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Showing 2 results for Mazooji
F Aliasghari , Mh Eftekhari , Ma Babaei Beigi , J Hasanzadeh , N Mazooji , Volume 7, Issue 4 (Winter 2013)
Background and Objective: Cardiovascular disease is the major cause of morbidity, mortality and disability in the world and Iranian population. Inflammation and oxidative processes are major risk factors ofatherosclerosis. Some evidence demonstrated antinflammatory effect of conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) and omega-3 fatty acids (ω-3 fatty acids). So the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of CLA and ω-3 fatty acids supplementation on inflammatory and oxidative stress markers in atherosclerotic patients.
Materials and Methods: In this study 90 volunteers who referred to Emam Reza Heart Clinic of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences were selected if they fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Participants were classified into 3 groups receiving 3g/d CLA, 1920mg/d ω3 or placebo for 2 months. C-reactive protein (CRP), interleukin -6(IL-6), malondialdehyde (MDA) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) were measured before and after supplementation. CRP measurement was done by a high sensitive Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay and IL-6 assay was performed by Radioimmunoassay methods. GPx enzyme activity and MDA was measured byspectrophotometery. Data processing and statistical analysis were done using SPSS19 software and a p-value of <0.05 was considered as statistically significant.
Results: hs-CRP level decreased significantly in both the ω3 and CLA group during the study(4.43±4.13 vs 1.6±1.41 and 7.48±5.64 vs 5.95±5.87 )(p = 0.01). IL-6 reduced significantly in ω3 groupralative to control(18.59±11.12 vs 13.37 ± 9.44)(p=0.04) but in CLA group reduction in IL-6 levels was not significant(16.13±10.21 vs 12.95±8.1)(p=0.06). GPx increased in CLA and ω3 groups(144.57±56.89 vs 174.61±62.8 and 125±46.06 vs 171.4±68.90) (p=0.001). MDA level decreased significantly in both the ω3 and CLA group(3.98±1.50 vs 2.87±1.55 and 3.7±1.77 vs 2.4±0.8) (p = 0.001).
Conclusion: Supplementation of diet with CLA and ω3 can have a beneficial effect on some indices of inflammatory and oxidative stress.
Keywords: Atherosclerosis, Inflammation, Oxidative stress, Conjugated linoleic acids
A Ahmadi , N Mazooji , J Roozbeh , J Hasanzade , Z Mazloom , F Aliasghari , Volume 7, Issue 4 (Winter 2013)
Background and Objective: Due to their antioxidant properties, vitamin E (VitE) and alpha-lipoic acid(ALA) may have a protective role against cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors, e.g., insulin resistance (IR) and dislipidemia, in hemodialysis patients.The main objective of this study was to determinethe effects of dietary supplementation with alpha-lipoic acid and vitamin E, individually and combined, on insulin resistance and lipid profile in hemodialysis patients.
Materials and Methods: This study was a randomized clinical placebo-controlled trial, including 85 patients (45 men and 40 women) from Shiraz hemodialysis centres.We examined the effects of a 2-month daily supplementation with VitE (400IU) and ALA (600mg), individually and combined, on fasting blood sugar (FBS), insulin, the HOMA index, and lipid profile (serum total, VLDL-, LDL- and HDL-cholesterol, and triglycerides). A placebo group was also included in the study.At the beginning and at the end of the intervention weights and heights of the patients were measured, body mass index (BMI) was calculated, dietary intake assessed, and blood samples were taken for analysis.
Results: Significant reductionswere observed in mean FBS (4.2), insulin (10.4) and the HOMA
index (1.5) in theALA+VitE-supplemented group compared to the placebo group
(P-values=0.02, 0.006, and 0.002, respectively) changes in these parameters were not statistically significant in the groups supplemented with either one alone. Also, supplementation with VitE or ALA, either alone or combined, had no statstically significant effects on the lipid profile.
Conclusion: Combinedsupplementation with vitamin Eand alpha-lipoic acid ALA canimprove insulin resistance in hemodialysis.
Keywords: Vitamin E, Alpha-lipoicacid, Insulinresistance, Lipid profile, Hemodialysis