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Showing 23 results for Omidvar
A Yarparvar, N Omidvar, B Golestan, N Kalantari, Volume 1, Issue 1 (9-2006)
Background and objectives: Several factors, including natural disasters can affect food chain and thus the nutritional status. On December 2002 a devastating earthquake hit the city of Bam and the surrounding areas. Due to the lack of direct information on the nutritional status of children in the area, this study was performed to assess prevalence of malnutrition and a number of related factors in children 6 to 59 months of age in Bam and surrounding rural areas, to be a basis for further planning.
Methods and material: This survey was carried out on November 2003 in the city of Bam, Baravaat, and the surrounding affected villages on a sample of 500 children 6 to 50 months old. Weight (Kg) and height (Cm) were obtained and weight for height, weight for age and height for age Z scores were calculated for children and BMI (Kg/m²) for mothers was calculated. Information on child and the caregiver characteristics, child food patterns, socio-economic status of the household, family access to health care and hygienic potable water and environmental health and sanitation of the living places were collected by a questionnaire.
Results: The prevalence of moderate and severe underweight, stunting and wasting (WAZ, HAZ and WHZ under -2SD NCHS 1978) was 15.2, 8.9 and 5.6 percent, respectively. Prevalence of wasting in children 6 to 24 months of age was larger than older children (P=0.005), while stunting was more prevalent in those aged 24 months and older (P=0.007). Children who had been born with low birth weight (LBW), were more susceptible to wasting (P=0.001 and OR=7.50) and underweight (P≤0.001 and OR=4.45). Children who were breastfed for more than 18 months, were 2.09 times more susceptible to stunting (P=0.023).
Conclusion: The findings indicate that the main nutritional problem in this area is moderate to severe underweight, as well as stunting. The nutritional status of children in the area is still better than the Kerman province. It is necessary to address the nutritional status and food habits of women during pregnancy and to carry out interventions to reduce the risk of LBW: Therefore, improving the food patterns of preschool children can guarantee better health status following natural or manmade disasters.
M Amini, M Mohsenian Rad, M Kimiagar, N Omidvar, Volume 2, Issue 1 (6-2007)
Background and Objective: The objective of this study was to examine the content of food advertising in the children’s and adolescents’ program on the Iranian television.
Materials and Methods: The study, a content analysis of advertisements, monitored 3 hours of children’s and adolescents’ TV programs broadcast on Channel 1 for one week (4-10 November 2000). A detailed record of advertisement style and content was used for analysis.
Results: Advertisements for food products comprised 25% in number (second rank) and 21% in duration (third rank) of the total TV commercials during the monitoring period. Puffed cereals comprised the largest category (36%) of advertised foods. The messages most frequently used to promote the sale of a product were “quality” (59%) and “taste” (46%). The most frequent appeals of food advertisements were “stimulation of hunger/thirst” (67%) and “attributed quality” (64%). “A” puffed corn was the most frequent brand (23%) among the food brands advertised. In 37% of the food advertisements half of the nutritional properties attributed to products were scientifically untrue or misleading.
Conclusion: Food advertisements aimed at children on TV were dominated by those for foods of questionable nutritional value, designed in a manner mainly to attract children.
N Omidvar, A Aminpour, M Ghavamsadri, F Kavian, Sh Rokni, Volume 2, Issue 2 (9-2007)
Background and Objectives: Knowledge, attitude, and practice of bakers, as direct producers of bread, are considered as one of the factors that can be reflected ultimately in the quality of bread and the magnitude of bread wastage in the country. In an attempt to determine the causes of high bread wastage in the country, this study was conducted to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) of bakers in the city of Tehran regarding preparation, storage, and consumption of bread.
Methods and Materials: The study included 472 bakers, from 236 bakeries in the city of Tehran chosen by systematic random sampling proportional to the populations of the 19 districts of the city. Data were collected through interviews using a KAP questionnaire.
Results: Most of the bakers were aware of appropriate storage condition for flour (78.2%), importance of flour quality assessment (78%), importance of not adding baking powder to the dough (99%), most appropriate container for dough (72%), and appropriate methods of bread-baking (74%). More than half of the sample did not give correct answers to questions regarding yeast and sourdough. The bakers’ attitude towards using both types of yeast was negative in two-thirds of the cases. More than 50% were not satisfied with the appearance and price of bread they were producing they believed that the price is high. About 24% were familiar with the two-stage baking process, and 41.5% did not perceive it as the preferred method. The bakers’ attitude regarding the different aspects of bread production and processing was significantly associated with their education level and service record, but not with their age. As regards the bakers’ practice, the findings showed that 25% actually used baking powder, while 34% did not give a clear answer to the questions on this subject. On the other hand, despite their indifferent (39%) or positive (27%) towards the use and storage of sour dough, 45-55% did not use industrial yeast or sour dough. The use of baking powder was related significantly with the type of bread, it is being highest in the case of, in ascending order, lavash, barbari, and taftoon, and lowest in the case of sangak and white bread.
Conclusion: The bakers’ knowledge regarding preparation and leavening seems to be low, so they need to be educated about appropriate methods of dough-making and baking. Training programs for bakers in proper bread-baking methods and standards is required. Also, to ensure better practice, improving baking conditions and provision of better ingredients and equipment is a priority.
B Rashidkhani, A Rezazadeh, N Omidvar, A Houshiar Rad, Z Setayeshgar, Volume 3, Issue 2 (10-2008)
Background and Objective: Few studies have investigated the association between dietary patterns and socioeconomic and demographic factors. The aim of this study was to detect major dietary patterns and assess their relationship with socioeconomic and demographic factors among 20-50 year-old women living in the north of Tehran.
Materials and methods: In this cross-sectional study 460 women, aged 20-50 year-old, living in the north of Tehran were selected by stratified random sampling. Dietary data (for the previous year) was collected by a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire, and information on the socioeconomic and demographic factors was obtained by interview. Factor analysis was used for identifying major dietary patterns. The association between major dietary patterns and socioeconomic and demographic factors was assessed by covariance analysis.
Results: Two major dietary patterns were detected: 1. Healthy Pattern (high in, fruits yellow vegetables, cruciferous vegetables, tomatoes and other vegetables yogurt drink and low-fat dairy products poultry olives nuts fruit juice potatoes garlic coffee dried fruits and legumes), and 2. Unhealthy Pattern (high in processed meat mayonnaise soft drinks sweets refined grains snacks industrial juice red meat nuts French fries hydrogenated fats egg, butter and high-fat dairy products sugars and organ meats). After adjustmnent for confounders, the Azari ethnic group in comparison with the Fars ethnic group (B= 0.44 p<0.01), and living in District 7 in comparison with living in District 3 (B= 0.39 p<0.05) were positively , and age (B= - 0.04 p<0.01), university education (B= -0.34 p<0.05) and total monthly family income (B= - 0.25 p<0.05) negatively, associated with the unhealthy diatery pattern.On the other hand, age (B= 0.03 p<0.01) and housing surface area (square meters_ per head) (B= 0.21 p<0.01) had a positive, and duration of residence in Tehran, a negative, association with the healthy pattern (B= - 0.01 p<0.01).
Conclusion: Socioeconomic and demographic factors influence dietary patterns of the women. It is suggested that these factors be considered in the future assessments of associations between dietary patterns and disease.
F Mohammadi, N Omidvar, A Houshiar Rad, Y Mehrabi, M Abdollahi, Volume 3, Issue 2 (10-2008)
Background and Objective: It is usually expected that food-insecure people have an inadequate food intake, less body fat, and body weight. However, several studies in developed countries have shown a higher prevalence of overweight/obesity among food-insecure household members, especially women. This study aimed to assess the association between food insecurity and body weight status and socio-economic factors affecting it in adult members of Iranian households.
Materials & methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in the framework of the Comprehensive Study on Household Food Consumption Patterns and Nutritional Status of I.R. Iran during 2001-2003. Households were selected by the Iranian Statistical Center by systematic cluster sampling in urban and rural areas. Heights and weights of all household members over 20 years of age (7960 women and 6083 men) were measured based on standard protocols, and body mass index (BMI) was calculated. Weight status (classified into underweight, normal weight, overweight, and obesity subgroups) was defined based on cut-off values recommended by NIH. Socio-economic status (SES) of the household was assessed by a questionnaire through structured interviews. Assessment of food consumption patterns was made using the weighing method and three consecutive 24-hour diet recalls completed by trained nutritionists. Food insecurity (FI) was defined on the basis of daily energy intake (as percentage of WHO/FAO RDA) as follow: mild FI, 80-89% RDA moderate FI, 70-79% RDA, and severe FI, lower than 70% RDA. Logistic regression was used to test the simultaneous effects of SES and food security variables on weight status.
Results: A total of 7158 households, including 2496 (34.9%) rural and 4662 (65.1%) urban, were included in the study. The findings showed that 5.2%, 7.6%, and 9.9% of them were severely, moderately, and mildly food-insecure, respectively. On the whole, 30% and 34.3% of the men and women were overweight, and 9.9% and 26.7% obese, respectively (P<0.001). Logistic regression in 6083 men did not show any significant association between weight status and food insecurity after controlling for the SES variables. However, overweight increased at higher educational levels, good housing condition (ownership) (P<0.01), and a higher score of facilities in the home (P<0.001) in men. On the other hand, in severely and moderately food-insecure women (n=7960) overweight was 1.5 times (CI: 1.22-1.94 & CI: 1.27-1.88, P<0.001), and in mildly food-insecure women 1.2 times, (CI: 1.04-1.43, P<0.001) that in their food-secure counterparts. Overweight decreased with higher educational levels and increased with being married, urbanization, score of facilities in the home (P<0.001), and better housing conditions (ownership) (P<0.05) in women.
Conclusion: Food insecurity is associated with overweight in Iranian women in food-insecure households. This association is not clear in men.
A Karimi Shahanjarini, D Shojaezadeh, R Majdzadeh, A Rashidian, N Omidvar, Volume 4, Issue 2 (10-2009)
Background and objectives: The increasing consumption of junk foods by adolescents is associated with adverse health consequences. The purpose of this study was to identify determinants of unhealthy snack consumption among female adolescents using an integrative method based on the theory of planned behavior.
Materials and methods: The sample included 90 female adolescents aged 12-15 years, from 2 guidance schools in Tehran, selected by systematic sampling.
In the qualitative phase of the study, which was of a phenomenology type, the data were collected through 9 focus group discussions. After obtaining parental consent, in each discussion session a moderator followed a topic outline developed based on the theory of planned behavior (TPB). Data analysis was done using the framework method. The quantitative phase consisted of a cross-sectional study on 790 female adolescents aged 12-15 years old from 10 schools, selected using a randomized stratified cluster sampling method. Data on social cognition (based on TPB) and food consumption (using a 48-item food frequency questionnaire) were collected and analyzed using the multiple regression method.
Results: In both phases of the study there was a broad range of factors, some of them contradicting each other, influencing selection of snacks by the adolescents. Taste was identified as the most important factor influencing their attitude towards junk foods consumption. The major predictors of behavior of the adolescents were found to be easy access to junk foods, personal taste preferences, peer pressure, media advertisements, and low price of unhealthy snacks (p<0.05). The most influential individuals in snack choice, based on the qualitative phase findings, were peers, while quantitative findings identified parents as the most influential.
Conclusion: Applying an integrative approach provided a comprehensive insight into the underlying factors of junk food consumption by adolescents. Intervention programs with due consideration of these factors can help reduce unhealthy snack food consumption in this vulnerable group.
Kh Rezazadeh, Ar Dorosty Motlagh, N Omidvar, B Rashidkhani, Volume 4, Issue 3 (12-2009)
Background and objectives: Nutrition transition in developing countries leads to coexistence of stunting and overweight. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of stunting-cum-overweight and its association with socio-demographic characteristics of parents in the Iranian Khoy City school children.
Materials and methods: This cross-sectional analytical study was conducted in two phases. In the first phase, 4400 students, 6-12 years old, in Khoy City, Iran were recruited by the stratified random sampling method. In the second phase, based on CDC2000 standards, 54 students suffering simultaneously from overweight (body mass index≥85 percentile) and stunting (height percentiles ≤15) were chosen as the case group and 115 non-overweight and non-stunted students as controls. The case and control students were matched with regard to age, sex and school. Socio-demographic status of the families was determined by interviewing the students' mothers.
Results: The prevalence of overweight, stunting and overweight-cum-stunting was 15.4%, 19.5% and 1.2%, respectively. The case and control group students were similar with regard to parents' age, height, educational level, occupation, familial diabetes history, and father's BMI. The logistic regression model, after adjusting other variables, suggests that familial stunting history compared with non-familial stunting history (OR=2.2 P<0.05), mother's BMI ≥30 compared with BMI<30 (OR=2.8 P<0.01), and owning a house compared with having a rented house (OR=2.3 P<0.05), had positive associations with stunting-cum-overweight status.
Conclusion: All together, stunting in school-age children in Khoy City is more prevalent than overweight and is associated with genetic, environmental and economical factors. Further, prospective investigations are required to confirm such associations and find causal relationships.
M Rezaei , N Kalantari , N Omidvar , Ar Abadi , M Hedayati , M Sabetkasaei , Volume 5, Issue 4 (1-2011)
Background and Objectives: A deficiency of folate or vitamin B12, particularly in tissues with a high cell replication rate, could inhibit RNA and DNA synthesis, DNA methylation, as well as cell maturation. Therefore, a sufficient intake of these vitamins in childhood is of vital importance. Since there are no published reports on the status of folic acid and vitamin B12 in Iranian children, the present study was conducted to assess serum and red blood cells concentrations and some related factors in healthy 3-6 year-old children in Tehran, Iran, 2010.
Subject and Methods: This was a cross-sectional, descriptive-analytical study, in which 228 children, 3-6 year old (105 girls and 123 boys), were selected by random systematic cluster sampling from 20 (out of 270) day-care centers in Tehran. A 2-ml non-fasting blood sample was drawn from each child and analyzed for serum and red blood cell folate and vitaminB12 by the RIA method. SPSS.16 was used for data analysis, the statistical tests being t-test, Chi-square and ANOVA.
Results: There were no significant differences between the 2 sexes with regard to age, weight, height, BMI, RBC folate, or serum folate and vitamin B12 levels. Based on the serum folate level, 9.6% and 37.8% of the children suffered from severe and mild deficiency, respectively 52.6% had normal folate serum levels. The data also showed that 97.4% of the children had a normal serum vitamin B12 level, only 2.6% being mildly deficient. As judged by the RBC folate level, of 105 children (60 boys and 45 girls), 1% and 37% had severe and mild deficiency, respectively, an absolute majority (62%) having normal levels. The distributions of serum folate, serum vitaminB12, and RBC folate levels were not statistically different between boys and girls. Similarly, no associations were observed between the RBC folate level, serum folate level, or serum vitamin B12 level and age, weight, height, family size, birth order, or head of the family. There were positive significant correlations between serum folate on the one hand and RBC folate (r=0.4 , p<0.001) and serum vitamin B12 (r=0.8 , p<0.001) on the other hand. Furthermore, folate, RBC folate, and serum vitamin B12 were all positively related to father’s education (p=0.01), mother's education (p=0.008) and father’s job status (p<0.027). In addition, the vitamin levels were higher in children of the working mothers, as compared to those of non-working mothers (p<0.036). There were no differences between the 2 groups with regard to other variables.
Conclusion: Folate deficiency is highly prevalent, while the deficiency of vitamin B12 is low, among Tehrani preschoolers. It is recommended to design and implement suitable intervention programs. Major components of such programs should be mothers’ nutrition education and improving family food consumption patterns with particular emphasis on optimum utilization of folate sources, particularly vegetables.
Keywords: Folic acid, Vitamin B12, Preschoolers
N Omidvar , M Abtahi , Tr Neyestani , M Hajifaraji , Volume 7, Issue 3 (Autumn 2012 2012)
Background and Objective: Inadequate intake of Calcium and vitamin D is one of the common health problems, especially among the children in developed as well as developing countries, including Iran. Fortification of foodstuff, specially milk and dairy products, is being used as a major strategy to combat this problem in many countries. This study aimed to evaluate sensory desirability and compliance with vitamin D and Calcium-fortified milk, among 9-11 year-old schoolchildren in the city of Tehran.
Materials and Methods: This cross sectional study was conducted in two phases including sensory evaluation and compliance with vitamin D and Calcium fortified-milk in schoolchildren. The first phase was performed by a panel of 212 schoolchildren from both sexes using a 5- point hedonic questionnaire with both images and words. And, the second phase was carried out on 200 children using an 8-item questionnaire.
Results: In sensory evaluation 44.4% of the students described the taste of the fortified milk as bad, while in the compliance study 85% of children were satisfied with the taste of vitamin D and Calcium - fortified milk. Only less than half of the students agreed with the continuation of the fortification program.
Conclusion: Calcium and vitamin D fortification, resulting in unpleasant changes in the taste of milk, can challenge fortified milk distribution program for children. Further study is needed to provide a formulation that would result in a higher compliance among schoolchildren.
Keywords: Compliance, Vitamin D and Calcium fortified milk, School age children, Sensory evaluation
N Khalaji , S Asadzadeh , Tr Neyestani , M Hajifaraji , N Omidvar , N Shariatzadeh , A Kalayi , B Nikooyeh , M Mohammadi , Volume 7, Issue 5 (Winter Supplement 2013)
Background and Objective: To assess vitamin D status of 9-12 years old primary school children in Tehran during fall and winter 2007-8. Design: A descriptive cross-sectional study Setting: Primary schools of Tehran city, Iran.
Materials and Methods: A total of 1111 9-12 years old children (573 boys and 538 girls) from 60 primary schools were enrolled in the study. Weight, height, body mass index (BMI) and serum levels of calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, 25(OH)D, intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH), osteocalcin (OST), bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (BAP) were assessed for all the participants. Dietary calcium intake was also evaluated using a quantitative food frequency questionnaire (qFFQ) for a sub-sample of the study population (n=503). Vitamin D sufficiency was defined based on serum levels of 25(OH)D as either ≥ 37nmol/L (criterion 1) or ≥ 50 nmol/L (criterion 2).
Results: Daily intake of calcium did not differ significantly between boys and girls (929.6± 436.7 mg and 909.5±465.5 mg, respectively). However, based on the first criterion, some 86% of the children had vitamin D deficiency with 38.3% of severe deficiency (25(OH)D < 12.5 nmol/L). By using the second criterion, prevalence of vitamin D deficiency rose to 91.7%. Prevalence of vitamin D deficiency was higher in girls than in boys by either criterion. Serum levels of 25(OH)D inversely correlated with iPTH (r= -0.154, p<0.001) and BMI (r= -0.092, p=0.002) but directly correlated with duration of sun exposure (r= 0.115, p<0.001).
Conclusion: The high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency among school children (especially girls) warrants immediate interventions for proper nutritional support.
Keywords: Vitamin D, School age children, Prevalence
F Sadeghi-Ghotbabadi , E Shakibazadeh , N Omidvar , F Mortazavi , Volume 8, Issue 4 (Winter 2014)
Background and Objective: Empowering public health nutritionists is necessary to achieving millennium development goals and meet the country's nutritional issues. This study assessed the educational needs of public health nutritionists working in the health system in Iran.
Materials and Methods: This study implemented two qualitative and quantitative phases from January 2010 to March 2012. Fifty-five informants in nutrition were invited to participate in the qualitative (Delphi technique) study. For the first round, a 65-item closed questionnaire in 9 competency areas and 3 open questions were designed by reviewing existing literature and the job description for Iranian public health nutritionists. The results of the first round were used to develop a second round questionnaire with 77 items that was sent to the previous participants. In the quantitative phase of the study, a needs assessment questionnaire with 42 items was designed in accordance with the results of the Delphi study. The questionnaire was sent to the public health nutritionists working with the offices of the dean of health at medical universities (70 participants). Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data in using SPSS-18.
Results: The informants scored technology (91%), nutrition science (88%), and communication and advocacy (85%) as essential competency areas. The most cited educational needs for public health nutritionists were nutrition science (95%), technology (93%), and leadership and management (90%(. Sources of knowledge in competency areas included job training programs (29.07%), experience (28.33%), and formal education (11.80%). The viewpoints of the public health nutritionists indicated most educational needs (>70%) included advocacy and communication, assessment and analysis, evaluation and cultural, social and political aspects.
Conclusions: It is recommended to promote capacity building and revise the educational curriculum of the university program for public health nutritionists to provide more emphasis on skills-based competency.
Keywords: Community/public health nutritionist, Educational needs assessment, Competency, Delphi technique, Public health system
S Narmcheshm, N Omidvar, P Amiri, Z Amiri, N Kalantari, K Nemati, B Ghanbari, Z Feizy, R Sobhani , Volume 10, Issue 3 (Autumn 2015)
Background and Objectives: Several studies have shown that parents of overweight/obese children sometimes perceive their child's weight as normal. This can affect their level of concern and follow ups to correct their child's weight. This study aimed to evaluate association between maternal weight status and self-efficacy in controlling child’s weight-related behavior with their perception of their child's weight status.
Materials and Methods: A total of 159 overweight/obese first grade students and their mothers from two districts of Tehran city were studied. Their height and weight were measured, and maternal BMI and children's BMI z-scores were calculated. Socio-demographic characteristics of the family, mother's self-efficacy and perception of their child's weight were assessed by a questionnaire through interview. Logistic regression analysis was used to evaluate factors effecting mother's perception.
Results: Mean age of children was 6.7±0.34 years. Among the children, 20.1% were overweight and 79.9% were obese, while 48% and 35% of the mothers were overweight and obese, respectively. About 77% of the mothers had misperception about their child's weight status. There was no significant relationship between the mothers' occupation, education and weight status with misperception of child weight. Maternal self-efficacy in controlling the child’s weight related behaviors was low in 23.8% of the mothers while it was medium and high in 50.3 and 25.8%, respectively. There was a reverse but insignificant association between self-efficacy and weight status of children.
Conclusion: Considering the critical role of parents, especially mothers in the process of child obesity management, informing mothers on the definition and importance of desirable body weight in children and proper means to combat it is a priority.
Keywords: Childhood obesity, Maternal perception, Self-efficacy
N Omidvar, Volume 12, Issue 1 (Spring 2017)
A Omidvar, Dr. H Abbasi, M Golabadi , Volume 12, Issue 3 (Autumn 2017)
Background and Objectives: Biscuit is one of the most consumed confectionary products from cereal due to the long shelf life and special textural properties. Despite the extensive researches which demonstrate the role of high molecular weight glutenin subunits elements on the quality of flour, So far, there are no studies identifying the impact of this subunit on the qualitative attributes of confectionary products. In the present research, the effect of glutenin subunits with high molecular weight in 10 wheat cultivars on the quality characteristics of biscuit has been studied.
Materials & Methods: In present research, 10 genotypes of wheat were obtained from Agriculture Research Center and Natural Resources of Isfahan and high molecular weight glutenin subunits were separated and fractioned using
SDS – PAGE. Profitable flour was prepared and used for biscuit production. Several qualitative parameters such as brittleness, dimensions and density of products were evaluated and their relations to high molecular weight glutenin were investigated.
Results: Glu-B1 has the highest effect on qualitative characteristics of biscuit in high molecular weight loci. The presence of 1, 5+10, 2+12 subunits have negative effect on surface biscuit area. In addition, the presence of 17+18 and 14+15 allele have significant positive and negative impacts on biscuit stiffness respectively. 18+17 allelic gene has an important effect on maximum resistance and 8+7 and 16+13 were also effective on thickness of product. In the Glu-A1, the influence of allele 1 on density and allele 2* on thickness and in the Glu-D1, the impact of 10 + 5 allele on density of product were important.
Conclusion: HMW-GS subunits affect the textural quality of biscuit. Therefore, studying these effects and also having the knowledge of profitable wheat varieties and molecular weight glutenin subunits of parents and selecting parents with desired subunits for wheat breading can be advantageous for improving and controlling the qualitative properties of products and help in producing products with desired qualities.
N Omidvar, Volume 13, Issue 1 (Spring 2018)
A Arvand , M Dehghani , N Omidvar , M Ashoori , Volume 13, Issue 4 (Winter 2019)
Background and Objectives: Food and nutrition have an important role in human health, specially in children and adolescents. In this regard, the importance of knowledge and skills for healthier food choices is will accepted. Therefore, assessing the information sources and educational materials available to the public, particularly the textbooks used in formal education at the national level is of great importance. The purpose of this study was to investigate the frequency of food and nutrition literacy (FNL) components in high school textbooks in Iran.
Materials & Methods: The study was based on content analysis. The study population included all high schools (grades 7 to 9) with a total of 33 books. Therefore, the sample size comprised 4499 pages and their content was analyzed using a FNL component checklist. Validity of the tool was confirmed by referring to relevant scientific literature, as well as the views of experts from the fields of nutrition and curriculum design. The reliability of the research tool was assessed based on the agreement rate between the two coders, using Holst method, which was 84.88%.
Results: The total number of FNL components in the three domains of cognitive, skill and value in the text, images and questions of the studies textbooks was 439, of which the cognitive domain of FNL with 308 units (70.16%) had the highest frequency. Then skill domain with 96 units (21.86%) was the second frequent area, while the value-attitude domain of FNL had the lowest frequency: 35 units (7.97%).
Conclusion: Very low attention given to FNL and its components in the text, images and questions of high school textbooks, especially with regard to skill and value-attitude domains and high instrumental application of food and nutrition concepts call the need for re-evaluation of the textbooks. Based on the results, there is a need to revise the content of these textbooks to ensure proper coverage of FNL main issues for adolescents.
P Shirani, N Omidvar, H Eini-Zinab, F Poorebrahim, A Rezazadeh, Volume 16, Issue 1 (Spring 2021)
Background and Objectives: The aim of the present study was to assess associations between nutrient adequacy ratio and mean adequacy ratio with body shape index and waist-to-height ratio in free-living elderly in Tehran city, Iran.
Materials & Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 583 elderly people (304 women and 279 men) aged 60–80 years from Tehran were selected using systematic cluster sampling method. Demographic questionnaire, activity of daily living, instrumental activity of daily living and two 24-h dietary recalls were used to assess general characteristics, physical function and dietary intakes of the participants, respectively. Nutrient adequacy ratio of energy, protein and 11 micronutrients and their means were calculated. Anthropometric measurements, including height, weight and waist circumference were carried out using standard methods and body shape index and waist-to-height ratio were calculated.
Results: The median (interquartile) of body shape index was 0.082 (0.086–0.079) and the mean ±standard deviation of WHtR07 was 0.06 ±0.07. The mean waist-to-height ratio of females was higher than that of males and the median body shape index of females was lower than that of males. After adjusting for the effects of all confounders, associations of mean adequacy ratio with waist-to-height ratio and body shape index were not significant. Nutrient adequacy ratios of energy and protein were directly linked to waist-to-height ratio and body shape index respectively and nutrient adequacy ratio of thiamine was inversely linked to body shape index.
Conclusion: : No associations were detected between the adequacy of dietary intake and the two indicators of body fat distribution status after controlling for the confounding factors (lifestyle, demographic and socioeconomic factors).
S Edalati, R Sobhani, F Fallah, M Mohammadi- Renani , S Tavakoli, H Nazari, N Omidvar, Volume 16, Issue 1 (Spring 2021)
Background and Objectives: Due to the importance of food environment of the public dining places in promoting sustainable diets, the present study was carried out to analyze canteen menu of the School of Nutrition Sciences and Food Technology sustainability and to develop a sustainable lunch menus.
Materials & Methods: First, nutrition information and quantity per capita of foods served within the last 20 days were asked from the food service manager of the canteen during the second semester of 2019–2020. The frequency of each food served, as well as food waste durung their preparation and consumption were recorded. Quantities of carbon, water and land footprints, costs and nutrient-rich food (NRF) index of the foods in the two menus were calculated. Then, a sustainable food menu for each two menus was designed in order to minimize water, carbon and land footprints and cost, as well as maxmizing NRF through goal programming method.
Results: Foods served in Menu 1, had higher mean water (P=0.011), carbon (P=0.001) and land footprints (P=0.022) and higher costs (P=0.001) but lower NRF (P=0.001), compared to those served in Menu 2. The average daily non-compostable, compostable and recyclable wastes included 19660, 6320 and 9010 g, respectively. Replacing the sustainable food menu designed for Menu 1 could decrease carbon, total water and land footprints and costs by 10, 13, 22 and 6%, respectively, and increased the NRF profile by 8%. Furthermore, replacing the sustainable menu designed for Menu 2 could result in 25, 23, 27 and 28% decreases in carbon, total water and land footprints and costs, respectively, and increased the NRF profile by 23%.
Conclusion: Replacement of the current menus with sustainable ones and planning to decrease food wastes are recommended to achieve national targets of resistive economy and sustainable development and to promote sustainable diets.
Z Tork, N Omidvar, M Dehghani, A Doustmohammadian, Volume 16, Issue 2 (Summer 2021)
Background and Objectives: The aim of this study was to analyze contents of Grades 1–6 textbooks in Iran, regarding food and nutrition literacy domains and their components.
Materials & Methods: This study included content analysis of primary school textbooks (Grades 1–6) in 2019–2020 academic year. Analysis included all pages of 41 books of primary schools (4878 pages). Data collection was carried out using checklists comprised of three principal domains of food and nutrition literacy, including cognitive, skill and value-attitude as well as their components. The research tool reliability was assessed based on the agreement rate between the two coders, using Holsti method. The reliability assessment was 85.29%.
Results: Of all the food and nutrition literacy components in the books, 92% were related to the cognitive domain whereas 8% belonged to the skill domain of food and nutrition literacy. The value-attitude domain, including nutritional tendency, nutritional health values and cultural and social issues related to foods were mostly missing. Critical factors of food and nutrition literacy in primary school curriculum included media literacy, skills linked to food label analysis, and interactive and critical food and nutrition skills.
Conclusion: In conclusion, revision of the textbook contents and curriculums is necessary to ensure that they provide acceptable levels of food and nutrition-linked skills, promoting positive attitudes of healthy eating.
S Jafaripour, N Omidvar, H Eini-Zinab, M Rezaei, A Rezazadeh, Volume 17, Issue 4 (Winter 2023)
Background and objectives: To-date, no studies have assessed phenotypes of frail in the elderly people living in Tehran and their relationships with nutritional status. The aim of this study was to investigate prevalence of frailty and its relationships with malnutrition in elderly people living in Tehran, 2021–2022.
Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 508 elderly people over 60 years old living in Tehran were selected using systematic random cluster sampling method. General information were collected using general questionnaires, physical function using two-part questionnaire of activities of daily living and daily activity with the help of instrumental activities of daily living tool validated for the elderly and quality of life using valid 12-item SF12 questionnaires. The 12-item questionnaires on quality of life; validity and reliability of which were verified in the Iranian society was applied. Frailty was carried out using Fried et al. 5-indices, including 1) slow walking, 2) muscle weakness, 3) fatigue, 4) low physical activity, and 5) unintentional weight loss. Muscle strength was assessed using hand grip dynamometer. Malnutrition assessment was carried out using standard 2-part MNA (mini nutritional assessment) questionnaire. Anthropometric measurements (height and weight) were carried out using standard methods and body mass index was calculated.
Results: The mean and standard deviation of the age of the elderly people were 71.09 y ±6.88 years. The number of men and women participating in the study was almost equal (50.6% men and 49.4% women). In total, 51.4% of the participants were pre-frail and 23% were frail. More than half of the participants had low muscle strength (54.3%). After adjusting effects of confounders in comparison with healthy individuals, the probability of frailty in people at risk of malnutrition (95% CI: 1.63–5.67; OR = 3.04) and the probability of pre-frailty in the two groups of at risk of malnutrition (95% CI: 5–11/21–04; OR = 10.37) and malnutrition (95% CI: 5.31–5.31; OR = 7.18) were significantly higher (p < 0.05).
Conclusion: In this study, nutritional status was strongly associated to frailty. Identifying nutritional problems associated with muscle weakness and malnutrition can be used in health and nutrition planning of this age group.