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Showing 2 results for Fourier Transform Infrared

F Baghdadi , M Aminifar , M Farhoodi , S Shojaee Aliabadi ,
Volume 12, Issue 3 (9-2017)

Background and Objectives: Problemsof poor organoleptic and physicalproperties of low fat cheese suggest the use of some hydrocolloids in providing the desirable qualities of these types of cheeses.To improve the characteristics of low fat cheese, several studies have been used polysaccharides as fat replacers.In this study, for improving the characteristics of low fat Iranian white cheese, gum tragacanth (Astragalus Parrowianus) was added to the low fat cheese milk in two level (0.05 and 0.1% (w/w).
Materials and Methods: Changes in physicochemical, textural, sensory and microstructural properties of cheese samples in day 1 and 60 of ripening time were evaluated and a comparison between cheese samples containing gum and blank samples (full fat and low fat cheeses) was carried out. For better investigation of interactions between protein and polysaccharide in cheese matrix, FTIR method was used.
 Results: Addition of gum tragacanth into low fat cheese matrix resulted in a better texture and structure and could relatively imitate the full fat cheese characteristics. Incorporation of this gum caused some changes in FTIR spectra of low fat cheese. Ripening time also influenced the FTIR spectra of cheese samples.
Conclusion: Incorporation of gum tragacanth into low fat Iranian white cheese, can improve its textural, sensorial and microstructural characteristics. FTIR can be a proper instrument for precise studying of protein matrix of cheeses.

M Ghazanfari, A Motallebi, H Hosseini, N Rokni,
Volume 15, Issue 2 (6-2020)

Background and Objectives: Kebab loghmeh is one of the most popular meat products in Iran. Quantitative assessment of the red meats is critical as the most important factor in authentication of this meat product. Other methods of adulteration tracing do not include enough efficiency to quantitatively assess quantities of the red meats in final products. Therefore, the objective of the current study was to quantitatively assess red meats in Kebab loghmeh samples using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) method and chemometric methods.
 Materials & Methods: Samples of industrial Kebab loghmeh containing 70 and 90% of red meats from three various brands were purchased from the local markets and standard formula samples were prepared in meat product factories (total sample number of 36). All samples were transferred to the laboratory under cold conditions. Data from FTIR were analyzed using PCA, PLS-DA and SIMCA methods as chemometric methods.
Results: Results of multiple linear regression and chemometric methods with high determination coefficient (R2 = 0.9999) showed that 67% of the samples did not included information provided on the labels.
Conclusion: Analysis of FTIR data using chemometric methods is appropriate for the quantification of red meats in kebab loghmeh samples.

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Iranian Journal of  Nutrition Sciences and Food  Technology
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