Shiraz University of Medical Sciences ,
Abstract: (8419 Views)
Background and objective: Type-2 diabetes is a prevalent metabolic disorder characterized by both insulin deficiency and peripheral insulin resistance. This study was undertaken to determine the effects of omega-3 fatty acid-fortified soymilk fermented with bifidobacterium lactis on the body weight, blood glucose and lipid profile of diabetic rats.
Materials and methods: Diabetic rats were divided into four groups (one being diabeteic control) a fifth group was added as a normal control. The two control groups (normal control and diabetic control) received, by tube-feeding, 1 mL/day of distilled water, while the three diabetic groups received 1 mL/day of soymilk (SM), fermented soymilk (FSM) and fermented soymilk fortified with omega-3 fatty acids (FSM+omega-3). Body weight and blood glucose were monitored weekly and the lipid profile was measured at the end of the 28-daty period.
Results: As compared with the diabetic group, administration of SM, FSM and FSM+omega-3 for 28 days led to statistically significant (p<0.05) reductions in blood glucose, total cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations, with the maximum reduction in the FSM+omega-3 fatty acid group. In addition, as compared to the diabetic group, body weight in the 3 treated groups receiving the SM, FSM and FSM+omega-3 fatty acids increased significantly (p<0.05), the maximum weight gain being in the FSM+omega-3 fatty acid group.
Conclusion: The findings suggest that fermented soy milk fortified with omega-3 fatty acids may be beneficial in preventing or delaying the progression of type-2 diabetes.
Keywords: Soymilk, Probiotic, Omega-3 fatty acids, Diabetic rats
Mohammadi Sartang M, Mazloomi M, Tanideh N, Rezaian Zadeh A. The effects of omega-3 fatty acid-fortified soymilk fermented with bifidobacterium lactis, on the body weight, blood glucose and lipid profile of diabetic rats. Iranian J Nutr Sci Food Technol 2014; 9 (2) :1-10 URL: