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:: Volume 8, Issue 1 (Spring 2013) ::
Iranian J Nutr Sci Food Technol 2013, 8(1): 1-10 Back to browse issues page
The effects of tocotrienol-enriched canola oil on inflammation, nitrosative stress and urinary microalbumin in patients with type-2 diabetes: Arandomized double-blind clinical trial
N Haghighat , MR Vafa * , Sh Eghtesadi , I Heidari , AF Hoseini
Abstract:   (9382 Views)
Background and Objective: Tocotrienols have been demonstrated to play a significant role in preventing diabetic nephropathy due to their immunologic and inflammatory properties.The objective of this study was to determine the effects of a daily intake of canola oil enriched with 200 mg tocotrienol (T3)for 8 weeks on nitrosative stress, inflammation and urinary microalbumin in type-2 diabetic patients. Materials and Methods: This clinical trial was conducted on 50 patients with type-2 diabetes mellitus (fasting blood sugar > 126 mg/dl) randomly divided into 2 groups of 25 each to receive, daily for 8 weeks, either 15 ml T3-enriched canola oil (200mg T3 experimental group) or 15 ml pure canola oil (control group). Initial and final blood samples were collected to measureserum hs-CRP and nitric oxide (NO)levels, and 24-hr urine samples to measure urinary volume and microalbumin and creatinine levels. Physical activity levels, anthropometric parameters and nutrients intakes were determined before and after intervention and compared between the 2 groups. Results: T3-enriched canola oil brought about statistically significant reductions in urinary microalbumin (p=0.004) and hs-CRP (p=0.003). Also, at the end of the study, the intervention group had significantly lower serum hs-CRP and urinary microalbumin than the control group. A nonsignificant decrease was observed in the serum NO level in the T3 group. Conclusion: Based on the findings it may be concluded that tocotrienols can improve the inflammatory status and prevent diabetic nephropathy. However, its effect on nitrosative stress needs furher investigation. Keywords: Tocotrienols, Nitrosative Stress, Microalbuminuria, Inflammation, type-2 Diabetes mellitus
Keywords: Tocotrienols, Nitrosative Stress, Microalbuminuria, Inflammation, type-2 Diabetes mellitus
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Article type: Research | Subject: nutrition
Received: 2013/04/28 | Accepted: 2013/04/30 | Published: 2013/04/30
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Haghighat N, Vafa M, Eghtesadi S, Heidari I, Hoseini A. The effects of tocotrienol-enriched canola oil on inflammation, nitrosative stress and urinary microalbumin in patients with type-2 diabetes: Arandomized double-blind clinical trial. Iranian J Nutr Sci Food Technol 2013; 8 (1) :1-10
URL: http://nsft.sbmu.ac.ir/article-1-1124-en.html

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Volume 8, Issue 1 (Spring 2013) Back to browse issues page
Iranian Journal of  Nutrition Sciences and Food  Technology
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