Manufacture of functional cheese using olive and canola oils
B Fathi-Achachlouei * , J Hesari , S Azadmard-Damirchi , SH Peighambardoust , M Esmaiili  |
Abstract: (10961 Views) |
Background and Objective: Full-fat dairy products have been reported as a major disease risk factor, particularly for cardiovascular diseases, due to their high cholesterol and saturated fatty acid contents. In this study, Iranian brined white cheese samples were prepared using olive and canola oils, known to contain essential unsaturated fatty acids, and compared with cheese made with full-fat milk.
Materials and Methods: Iranian brined white cheese samples were prepared by substituting milk fat with olive and canola oils (at a level of 50% or 100% w/w) known to contain essential unsaturated fatty acids. A full-fat cheese (FFC) sample was prepared as the control. Physicochemical properties, lipolysis patterns, total fatty acids, total count of lactic acid bacteria starters, and sensory characteristics of all the samples were determined during 80 days of storage (ripening) at 20-day intervals.
Results: Results showed that white brined cheeses made with vegetable oils had significantly (P<0.05) lower contents of saturated fatty acids and higher levels of unsaturated fatty acids compared to FFC control. The moisture contents and pH were also significantly (P<0.05) higher in the experimental cheeses than in the control cheese during ripening. Further analysis of the data showed that lipolysis index significantly (P<0.05) increased in all the experimental and control samples during the ripening period. Total counts of Lactococcus bacteria increased during the first 40 days of ripening but then decreased slightly, whereas the total count of Lactobacillus bacteria decreased during the first 40 days but increased afterwards
Conclusion: It can be concluded that Iranian white brined cheese can be successfully made by substituting milk fat with vegetable oils, such functional cheese being nutritionally more acceptable and healthier.
Keywords: Milk fat, Functional cheese, Fatty acids, Olive oil, Canola oil |
Keywords: Milk fat, Functional cheese, Fatty acids, Olive oil, Canola oil |
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Article type: Research |
Food Science Received: 2013/04/28 | Accepted: 2013/04/30 | Published: 2013/04/30
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