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:: Volume 10, Issue 1 (Spring 2015) ::
Iranian J Nutr Sci Food Technol 2015, 10(1): 9-20 Back to browse issues page
Survey of Association between Major Depression Disorder in Women and Household Food Insecurity
Z Mirzadehahari , F Mohammadi * , H Eini zinab , M Khosravi , N Mousavi , M Agasi
, f_mohammadi_2001@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (8224 Views)
Background and Objectives: Major depression is a mood disorder, which diet, sleeping and physical activity play an important role in its etiology, progress and treatment. Food insecurity affects person's spirit as a stressor, and because of its effect on individual's food intake this study aimed to investigate the relationship between major depression and household food insecurity. Materials and Methods: In this case-control study, food insecurity status was compared between 72 new diagnosed adult women with major depression (as case group) and 143 healthy adult women (as control group). Major depression was diagnosed by a psychiatrist through structured interview by diagnostic instrument DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder). Food insecurity and socio-economic data were collected using HFIAS (Household Food Insecurity Access Scale) and general information questionnaire, respectively. Data were analyzed by SPSS18. Logistic regression was applied to determine the odds ratio for being depressed between different food insecurity degrees and socio-economic status. Differences between quantitative and qualitative variables were examined by t-test, ANOVA and ᵪ2 tests, respectively. Results: In the present study, a positive significant relationship was found between major depression and food insecurity, so that in the severe food insecurity group, the risk of major depression was 3.34 times more than in the food secure group (OR=3.34, %95CI=1.04-8.90, P=0.029), and with increasing food insecurity intensity, the likelihood of major depression was increased even after adjusting for the confounding factors. Physical activity, number of children and marital status were significantly related to major depression, too. Other variables such as education, birth order, BMI (Body Mass Index), income, house ownership, occupation of woman and her household head were included in the regression model, but no significant effect was found. Conclusion: This study showed high prevalence of food insecurity in major depressed Iranian women, and proved relation between food insecurity and depression that had been shown in the past studies in other countries. Keywords: Major depression, Food insecurity, Socio-economic status, Adult women, Tehran
Keywords: Major depression, Food insecurity, Socio-economic status, Adult women, Tehran
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Article type: Research | Subject: nutrition
Received: 2014/05/15 | Accepted: 2014/10/12 | Published: 2015/03/18
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Mirzadehahari Z, Mohammadi F, Eini zinab H, Khosravi M, mousavi N, Agasi M. Survey of Association between Major Depression Disorder in Women and Household Food Insecurity. Iranian J Nutr Sci Food Technol 2015; 10 (1) :9-20
URL: http://nsft.sbmu.ac.ir/article-1-1625-en.html

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Volume 10, Issue 1 (Spring 2015) Back to browse issues page
Iranian Journal of  Nutrition Sciences and Food  Technology
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