Analytical investigation on the documents of the Iranian food science and technology data bank 2002-2006
P Zandi * , Kh Khoshtinat , M Ghazizadeh , S Alibeyk  |
Abstract: (12154 Views) |
Background and Objective: One of the major problems in a research work is the lack of previously published comprehensive and updated information. Development of Iranian Food Science and Technology Data Bank (IFSTDB 1978-2001) and its subsequent updating has made possible quick access to the existing information sources in Persian by researchers and specialists . In this paper, methods of collection and classification of documents used in preparing IFSTDB during the period 2002-2006 is described, together with analysis of the documents.
Materials and Methods: Bibliographic information on seven types of documents published during the period 2002-2006 was collected by a trained team, the members of the team consulting directly the educational, research and executive institutes active in the area of food science and technology and filling worksheets especially prepared for the purpose. The documents types were as follows: journal articles, conferences articles, M.Sc. and doctorate theses/dissertations, research project reports, books, food standards and patents. The documents were classified into main groups and subgroups, using the international Food Science and Technology Abstracts (FSTA) database as a model, followed by coding and selecting proper keywords. Data entry was carried out making use of a programmed software (using Visual Basic). The data were processed and the compact disk (CD) of the Iranian Food Science & Technology Data Bank was produced for the period 1978-2006. Relative frequency distribution of the documents was determined according to the type of document, publication time, subject, and also the role of journals and conferences. Finally, the contribution of universities and research institutes in publishing the documents during the 2002-2006 was determined.
Results: The total number of documents collected for the period 2002-2006 was 5428, consisting of 767 (14.1%) journal articles, 2083 (38.4%) conference articles, 421 (7.8%) research projects, 939 (17.3%) theses/dissertations, 263 (4.8 %) books, 693 (12.8%) food standards, and 262 (4.8%) patents. During this period, the total number of documents was found to have an increasing trend. The highest numbers of documents were on fruits, vegetables and nuts (17.1%), milk and milk products (13.7%), and food additives, spices and condiments (11.0%) groups, while the lowest numbers were on cocoa, chocolate and confectionary products (0.5%), eggs and egg products (0.6%), and food economics (1.2%) groups. Journals, conferences, educational and research centers with the highest contribution in producing scientific documents were identified. The data revealed the important role and contribution of universities in publishing articles. Tehran, Tarbiat Modarres, Shahid Beheshti Medical Sciences, Shiraz, and Ferdowsi Mashhad universities ranked 1 to 5 with regard to publishing articles in journals.
Conclusion: This investigation on the Iranian Food Science and Technology Data Bank not only showed the present status but also helped identify the needs and gaps in this field. This information will make it possible to plan better educational and research programs in the field of food science and technology in Iran.
Keywords: Data bank, Food science and technology, Articles, Dissertations, Research projects, Iran |
Keywords: Data bank, Food science and technology, Articles, Dissertations, Research projects, Iran |
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Article type: Research |
Food Science Received: 2012/06/13 | Published: 2012/06/15
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Zandi P, Khoshtinat K, Ghazizadeh M, Alibeyk S. Analytical investigation on the documents of the Iranian food science and technology data bank 2002-2006. Iranian J Nutr Sci Food Technol 2012; 7 (2) :103-115 URL: