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:: Volume 7, Issue 5 (Winter Supplement 2013) ::
Iranian J Nutr Sci Food Technol 2013, 7(5): 95-105 Back to browse issues page
Improvment of Vitamin D Status via Daily Intake of Fortified Yougurt Drink Either with or without Extra Calcium Ameliorates Systematic Inflammatory Biomarkers , Including Adipokines,In the Subjects with Type 2Diabetes
N Shariatzadeh , M, Zahedi-Rad , TR Neyestani * , B Nikooyeh , H Alavi-Majd , A Kalayi , N Tayebinejad , S Heravifard , Sh Salek-zamani , M Soleimani
Abstract:   (8422 Views)
Background and Objective: Systemic inflammation is thought to have a central role in diabetic long-term complications. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of vitamin D either with or without extra calcium on certain inflammatory biomarkers in the subjects with type 2 diabetes (T2D). Materials and Methods: This was a double-blind, randomized, controlled trial conducted over 12 wk in 90 T2D subjects aged 30–60 yr from both sexes. Subjects were randomly allocated to one of three groups to receive two 250-ml bottles a day of plain Persian yogurt drink or doogh (PD, containing 150 mg calcium and no detectable vitamin D3/250 ml), vitamin D-fortified doogh (DD, containing 500 IU vitamin D3 and 150 mg calcium/250 ml), or calcium + vitamin D3-fortified doogh (CDD, containing 500 IU vitamin D3 and 250 mg calcium/250 ml). The changes in inflammatory markers were evaluated. Results: Compared to the baseline values, highly sensitive C-reactive protein, IL-1β, IL-6, fibrinogen, and retinol binding protein-4 concentrations significantly decreased in both the DD and CDD groups. Although the decrement in highly sensitive C-reactive protein and fibrinogen was more in CDD compared to DD (−4.0 ± 8.5 vs. −1.3 ± 2.8 mg/liter, and −0.40 ± 0.74 and −0.20 ± 0.52 mg/liter, respectively), the differences were not significant. There was a significant increase in serum adiponectin in both the DD and CDD groups (51.3 ± 65.3 vs. 57.1 ± 33.8 μg/liter P < 0.05). Mean adiponectin changes in CDD were significantly higher than in PD (P = 0.021). Conclusion: Daily intake of vitamin D-fortified doogh improved inflammatory markers in T2D subjects, and extra calcium conferred additional benefit only for the antiinflammatory adipokine, i.e. adiponectin. Keywords: Vitamine D, Inflamation, Adipokines, Type2diabetes
Keywords: Vitamine D, Inflamation, Adipokines, Type2diabetes
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Article type: Research | Subject: nutrition
Received: 2013/02/21 | Accepted: 2013/11/19 | Published: 2013/11/19
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Shariatzadeh N, , Zahedi-Rad M, Neyestani T, Nikooyeh B, Alavi-Majd H, Kalayi A, et al . Improvment of Vitamin D Status via Daily Intake of Fortified Yougurt Drink Either with or without Extra Calcium Ameliorates Systematic Inflammatory Biomarkers , Including Adipokines,In the Subjects with Type 2Diabetes. Iranian J Nutr Sci Food Technol 2013; 7 (5) :95-105
URL: http://nsft.sbmu.ac.ir/article-1-989-en.html

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Volume 7, Issue 5 (Winter Supplement 2013) Back to browse issues page
Iranian Journal of  Nutrition Sciences and Food  Technology
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