Assessment Of Visibility and Web Impact Factor (WIF) of Food Science & Technology Institutes Websites Based On Webometrics Scales
M Rassi * , A Jalali Dizaji , Z Mousavizadeh , N Abbasgholi , A Haghighian Roudsari  |
Abstract: (7288 Views) |
Background and Objective: For the importance of specialized web sites, the purpose of this study is link analysis of food science & technology institutes websites based on webometrics scales to propose a pattern website for National Nutrition & Food Technology Research Institute in Iran. visibility, the web impact factor (WIF), self link and total link of websites of the food science & technology institutes via webometrics has been Studied in this Research.
Materials and Methods: Cluster analysis and Multi- dimentional scales Studied the Main Clusters and Drawing Two- dimentional Map of Website Based On Co-links. Also has been used to find out the main Clusters and to draw tow- dimentional map for websites based on Co-links as well. Services provided by the websites has been investigated through their inlinks and visibility to identify the most effective elements of Food Research Institutes in Iran.
The statistical population is 63 active websites searched and downloaded by google search engine. in the period of one month The data were collected using webometrics formula via yahoo search engine & yahoo explorer during December 2010 to Januar 2011.
Result: The results indicated that the FOI website has the highest impact factor among the sites research sample with WIF of 72, while the NIFA with %57/41 received the highest number of inlinks having the highest visibility. The Cluster analysis results of the website showed that websites had collaborated in five major clusters in the Web environment but seven website have remained independent. Multi- dimentional analysis map also confirmed the existence of five categories.
Conclusion: this study showed that there has been a relation between inlinks with types of presented services and the content of websites. Finally an appropriate model was presented for the website of National Nutrition & Food Technology Research Institute.
Keyword: Web sites’ Food Science and Technology Institutions, Category clustering analysis, Multidimensional Scale, Link Analysis, Web services, Visibility, Web Impact Factor |
Keywords: Web sites’ Food Science and Technology Institutions, Category clustering analysis, Multidimensional Scale, Link Analysis, Web services, Visibility, Web Impact Facto |
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Article type: Research |
nutrition Received: 2013/03/6 | Accepted: 2013/11/19 | Published: 2013/11/19
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