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:: Volume 7, Issue 5 (Winter Supplement 2013) ::
Iranian J Nutr Sci Food Technol 2013, 7(5): 753-760 Back to browse issues page
Nutritional approaches in prevention and control of imbalance of gut microbiota
M Jalili , P Mirmiran * , A Hekmatdoost
Abstract:   (9850 Views)
The microbiota of gut consists of intestinal microorganisms that have important role in regulation of rate of metabolism of nutrients. Also, they affect on modulation of immune system actions and differentiation and maturation of immune cells in prevention and control of systemic inflammatory diseases such as obesity and type 2 diabetes. In this review paper, we used Google scholar, Science direct, Elseveir search engines by keywords such as “nutrition”, “inflammation” and “gut microbiota”. In discussion part, we use the comments of elite professors. Imbalance of intestinal microbiota can result in metabolic endotoxinemia, adiposity, insulin resistance and long-lasting inflammation. There is relationship between ratio of type of dietary components and intestinal microbiota, for example long-term modification of diet from high-fat to high-carbohydrate results in reduction of bacteriodes and augment of protella. In other words, intestinal commensal bacteria may produce short chain fatty acids for energy homeostasis and augment of absorption of divalent minerals. healthy intestinal microflora inhibit the growth and propagation of pathogen microbes and competition over food supplies prevent of their colonization, so probiotics supplementation may be helpful by this mechanism. More knowledge on genomic and transcriptomics structure of microorganisms and their metabolic pathways enhance the effectiveness of nutritional interventions. Keywords: Microbiota, Nutrition, Inflammation, Immunity, Diet
Keywords: Microbiota, Nutrition, Inflammation, Immunity, Diet
Full-Text [PDF 134 kb]   (2974 Downloads)    
Article type: Review | Subject: Food Science
Received: 2013/03/14 | Accepted: 2013/11/19 | Published: 2013/11/19
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Jalili M, Mirmiran P, Hekmatdoost A. Nutritional approaches in prevention and control of imbalance of gut microbiota . Iranian J Nutr Sci Food Technol 2013; 7 (5) :753-760
URL: http://nsft.sbmu.ac.ir/article-1-1077-en.html

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Volume 7, Issue 5 (Winter Supplement 2013) Back to browse issues page
Iranian Journal of  Nutrition Sciences and Food  Technology
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