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:: Volume 8, Issue 1 (Spring 2013) ::
Iranian J Nutr Sci Food Technol 2013, 8(1): 63-70 Back to browse issues page
A study Effect of Date Syrup Purification Different Methods on the Candy physical and chemical Particularity
S Shafiee , M Hojjatoleslami * , R Shokrani , A Sharifan , V Loghmani Khoozani
Abstract:   (9549 Views)
Background and Objective: Considering the widespread production of dates in Iran, producing date syrup and using it in different areas of food industry, is warranted. The aim of producing a date syrup-based candy is to have a dietetic food product to be used as a healthy substitute for high-sucrose candies which also contain artificialflavoring agents. The objective of this study was to compare the effects of two methods of purification of date syrup − alkaline purification and purification with gelatine and bentonite −on the physical and chemical characteristics of candy made from it. Material and methods: Date syrup was concentrated and dried in an oven, the duration of drying being based on percent moisture content. Samples of candy were made from the concentrated syrup and their solubility, brix changes, and colour at two wavelengths (420 and 560 nm) determined. The SPSS19 software was used for analysis of the data, the statistical test being the Duncan's test. Results: Date-syrup candy was produced after 24 hours drying at 70C. Candies produced by alkaline purification had less color increase and more brix changes and their drying rate was higher. Conclusion: Based on the findings, it can be concluded that date syrup purified with liming-phosphataion is more suitable for production of candy.This is because alkaline purification results in elimination of chemical compounds such as pectin, amino acids and colouring compounds lessens the maillard reaction intensity and color increase and increases the drying rate. Keywords: Alkaline purification, Bentonite, Candy, Gelatin
Keywords: Alkaline purification, Bentonite, Candy, Gelatin
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Article type: Research | Subject: Food Science
Received: 2013/04/28 | Accepted: 2013/04/30 | Published: 2013/04/30
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Shafiee S, Hojjatoleslami M, Shokrani R, Sharifan A, Loghmani Khoozani V. A study Effect of Date Syrup Purification Different Methods on the Candy physical and chemical Particularity. Iranian J Nutr Sci Food Technol 2013; 8 (1) :63-70
URL: http://nsft.sbmu.ac.ir/article-1-1129-en.html

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Volume 8, Issue 1 (Spring 2013) Back to browse issues page
Iranian Journal of  Nutrition Sciences and Food  Technology
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