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:: Volume 3, Issue 4 (2-2009) ::
Iranian J Nutr Sci Food Technol 2009, 3(4): 29-38 Back to browse issues page
Application of chemical interesterification of vegetable oils to production of zero-trans fatty acid multi-purpose shortening
SH Haydarzadeh , P Zandi * , H Safafar , Z Sharifzadeh Ekbatani , GR List
, p_zandi@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (28823 Views)
Background and objectives: Multi-purpose shortenings are of high importance in food processing technology due to their applications in manufacturing bakery and confectionary products and frying. Since shortenings are one of the main dietary sources of trans fatty acids, which have been shown to increase risk of coronary heart diseases, the aim of this research work was to produce, at a lab-scale, a zero-trans fatty acid multi-purpose shortening by chemical interesterification. Materials and methods: A 40:60-blend of fully hydrogenated soybean oil (soy flakes) and sunflower oil was prepared and dried for 30 minutes at 110ºC and 30 mmHg. The blend was then subjected to chemical interesterification reaction at 90 ºC with 0.2% sodium methoxide as catalyst for 45 min. To inactivate the catalyst and end the reaction, an aqueous 20%-citric acid solution (2%) was added. The interesterified blend thus obtained was dried in 3 steps, including filtration under vacuum, drying at 110ºC for 10 min and, finally, centrifuging at 3500 rpm for 15 minutes. After bleaching and deodorization of the interesterified blend, its physical and chemical characteristics were determined, and two samples of a multipurpose shortening were formulated by adding 10% and 20% palmolein to the interesterified blend and the qualitative characteristics of the final products were evaluated. Results: Interesterification reaction significantly lowered the melting point and SFC in the oil blend. The reaction also brought about randomization of the triglyceride structure. The trans fatty acid content of the shortening samples was about 1%, which can, thus, be categorized as zero-trans. In addition, the melting point, SFC, peroxide value, oil stability, moisture and volatile contents, color, smoke point, and other characteristics of the shortening samples conformed with the multi-purpose shortening standards. Conclusion: Results show that by chemical interesterification zero-trans multi-purpose shortenings can be produced, which could be used a substitute for hydrogenated vegetable oils in manufacturing a variety of food products.
Keywords: Chemical interesterification, Multi-purpose shortening, Zero-trans fatty acid
Full-Text [PDF 291 kb]   (7238 Downloads)    
Article type: Research | Subject: Food Science
Received: 2009/04/11 | Published: 2009/02/15
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Haydarzadeh S, Zandi P, Safafar H, Sharifzadeh Ekbatani Z, List G. Application of chemical interesterification of vegetable oils to production of zero-trans fatty acid multi-purpose shortening. Iranian J Nutr Sci Food Technol 2009; 3 (4) :29-38
URL: http://nsft.sbmu.ac.ir/article-1-118-en.html

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Volume 3, Issue 4 (2-2009) Back to browse issues page
Iranian Journal of  Nutrition Sciences and Food  Technology
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