Background and Objectives: A few studies have been conducted on the effect of protein and creatine supplementation combined with resistance training on the fitness, speed, strength and muscle hypertrophy of untrained young men. The purpose of the present study was investigating the effect of whey protein, creatine supplements and resistance training on fitness, velocity and muscle hypertrophy in untrained young men.
Materials and Methods: The present study was conducted as a quasi-experimental. Thirty-sixth non-active healthy men (weight 72.39±5.92 kg, age 22.91±1.89 year) volunteered to participate in this research. They were randomly assigned into three groups: Experimental group 1: Supplementation (protein 1260gr and creatine 450gr ( + 6 weeks of strength training, Experimental group 2: placebo + 6 weeks of strength training, and control group. Duration of training was 6 weeks 4 sessions per week, and each session lasted 50-70 minutes with the intensity of 60-75 percent of maximal reserve heart rate. Data analysis was done using inferential statistics (repeated ANOVA, and Bonferroni post hoc test, when necessary) and employing the SPSS software (version 18). Significance level of p≤0/05 considered.
Results: No significant changes in speed, percent body fat, and maximum oxygen uptake were occurred. A significant increase was observed in themaximum power in both groups of supplementation and placebo, and there was a significant increase in the Supplementation group in the variables of weight, BMI and muscle hypertrophy compared to the pre-test and the control groups, as well as the placebo group compared to the pre-test group. The variables of power and muscular endurance were increased non-significantly in both groups of suplementation and placebo.
Conclusion: Strength training alone can increase power, but to further increase the strength, weight and hypertrophy in heavy exercises, long-term consumption of supplements of creatine and protein recommended.
Keywords: Protein whey, Creatine, Resistance training, Speed, Muscle hypertrophy
Zahabi G. Effect of Whey Protein & Creatine Supplementation on the Fitness Indicators, Velocity and Muscle Hypertrophy of Untrained Men over a Period of Resistance Training. Iranian J Nutr Sci Food Technol 2015; 10 (2) :19-28 URL: