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:: Volume 5, Issue 3 (9-2010) ::
Iranian J Nutr Sci Food Technol 2010, 5(3): 57-66 Back to browse issues page
Effects of ß-carotene-fortified carrot juice on the lipid profile in type-2 diabetes patients
A Ramezani , F Tahbaz * , Sh Rasooli , B Rashidkhani , A Gharavi Noori , M Moslemi , M Hedayati
Abstract:   (17161 Views)
Background and Objectives: Hyperlipedemia is a health problem in type-2 diabetes patients. This study was designed to investigate the effects of carrot juice fortified with ß-carotene on the blood lipids in these patients. Subject and Methods: This controlled randomized double-blind clinical trial was performed on 44 patients with type 2 diabetes. They were randomly divided into two groups receiving, daily for 8 weeks, either 200 ml carrot juice fortified with 10 mg ß-carotene (group A) or 200 ml ordinary carrot juice (group B). All the subjects would drink the juice (exchanged for one serving of bread) at lunch. Twenty-four hour dietary recalls were done on 3 consecutive days and 6 alternate days by a nutritionist at the beginning and the end of the period. Initial and final fasting blood glucose, ß-carotene, and lipids were also measured. The dietary data were analyzed using Nutritionist IV and statistical analysis was done using SPSS 11.5. Results: The serum level of ß-carotene increased and that of total cholesterol and triglyceride, as well as the LDL-C/HDL-C and TC/HDL-C ratios, decreased significantly in group A as compared to group B. The treatments did not affect HDL-C or glucose concentrations in either group. Conclusion: Daily consumption of both 200 ml carrot juice fortified with 10 mg ß-carotene and ordinary carrot juice for 8 weeks brings about desirable changes in some of the blood lipids in type-2 diabetic subjects without any change in the serum glucose level, although fortified carrot juice is more effective. Such an intervention may prevent hyperlipedemia in these patients. Keywords: Type-2 diabetes, Carrot juice, ß-carotene, Blood lipids
Keywords: Type-2 diabetes, Carrot juice, ß-carotene, Blood lipids
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Article type: Research | Subject: Food Science
Received: 2010/09/12 | Published: 2010/09/15
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Ramezani A, Tahbaz F, Rasooli S, Rashidkhani B, Gharavi Noori A, Moslemi M et al . Effects of ß-carotene-fortified carrot juice on the lipid profile in type-2 diabetes patients . Iranian J Nutr Sci Food Technol 2010; 5 (3) :57-66
URL: http://nsft.sbmu.ac.ir/article-1-366-en.html

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Volume 5, Issue 3 (9-2010) Back to browse issues page
Iranian Journal of  Nutrition Sciences and Food  Technology
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