Effects of bacteriocine Z on the shelf-life of silver carp fillets during refrigerated storage
M Asghari , E Alizadeh doughikollaee * , R Safari , A Arshadi  |
Abstract: (12919 Views) |
Background and Objectives: Because of the high perishability of fish, keeping the quality of fresh fish is one of the most important problems in the fish-processing industry and for the consumers. The aim of this study was to determine the antibacterial and antioxidant effects of bacteriocine Z on silver carp fillets during refrigerated storage.
Materials and Methods: After being weighed, fish fillets were sprayed with nisin Z (0.2 g/kg) packaged in vacuum and refrigerated (4°C). Microbial (TVC, PTC, LAB) and chemical (PV, TBA, TVB-N) parameters were measured at days 0, 3, 6 and 9.
Results: As compared with the nisin Z-treated fish samples, the psycrotrophic, lactic-acid, and aerobic-mesophilic bacterial counts were higher in the control samples. The microbial parameters decreased significantly in the nisin Z-treated samples at the beginning of the period, followed by a slower rate of increase than the control the chemical parameters showed a slower rate of decrease.
Conclusion: Using metabolites as natural preservatives in fish fillets may increase shelf-life of silver carp fillets during refrigerated storage. Bacteriocine Z may extend their shelf-life at 4˚C by 3 days.
Keywords: Bacteriocine Z, Shelf-life, Silver carp, Chemical parameters, Microbial parameters |
Keywords: Bacteriocine Z, Shelf-life, Silver carp, Chemical parameters, Microbial parameters |
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Article type: Research |
Food Science Received: 2011/09/4 | Published: 2011/09/15
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