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:: Volume 7, Issue 1 (ُSpring 2012 2012) ::
Iranian J Nutr Sci Food Technol 2012, 7(1): 0-0 Back to browse issues page
Effects of frozen storage at 18C on the quality changes of raw brushtooth lizardfish (Saurida undosquamis) burgers without coating
M Mahmoudzadeh , R Khaksar * , A Motallebi , H Hosseini , H Ahmadi , M Hosseini , F Shahraz
Abstract:   (11311 Views)
Background and Objective: Developing minced-based products is a good opportunity for production of value-added products. Fish burgers are an example of an acceptable value-added fast food. In the present study, fish burgers were produced from deep flounder fish with no coating and their chemical, microbial, and sensory characteristics during storage at 18C for 5 months were determined periodically after thawing at 4 °C. Materials and Methods: Fish burgers were produced and packaged in PVC/PE polymer bags. Microbial load (including total plate count, total coliform count, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and psychrotrophic bacteria), chemical characteristics (moisture, pH, total volatile base nitrogen (TVB-N), and TBA), and sensory characteristicswere were determined monthly. Data were analyzed using the SPSS for Windows program. Results: The TVB-N and TBA values increased significantly by the end of the first and second month, respectively. After that no further statistically significalt changes occured in the former, while the latter decreased until the end of storage period, presumably due to reaction of the MDA produced with protein breakdown products and formation of new peoducts. The data also showed that pH increased significantly by the end of the first month no changes were observed afterwards. All of the microbial counts and sensory parameters had decreased significantly (p<0.05) at the end of storage period. Conclusion: The best expiry time for lizardfish burgers (if stored at C˚18- ) is 3 months after production, and sensory evaluation is the most reliable way for predicting their shelf life. Keywords: Brushtooth lizardfish (Saurida undosquamis), Fish burger, Quality, Frozen storage
Keywords: Brushtooth lizardfish (Saurida undosquamis), Fish burger, Quality, Frozen storage
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Article type: Research | Subject: Food Science
Received: 2012/02/26 | Published: 2012/04/15
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Mahmoudzadeh M, Khaksar R, Motallebi A, Hosseini H, Ahmadi H, Hosseini M et al . Effects of frozen storage at 18C on the quality changes of raw brushtooth lizardfish (Saurida undosquamis) burgers without coating. Iranian J Nutr Sci Food Technol 2012; 7 (1)
URL: http://nsft.sbmu.ac.ir/article-1-691-en.html

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Volume 7, Issue 1 (ُSpring 2012 2012) Back to browse issues page
Iranian Journal of  Nutrition Sciences and Food  Technology
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