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:: Volume 7, Issue 4 (Winter 2013) ::
Iranian J Nutr Sci Food Technol 2013, 7(4): 105-112 Back to browse issues page
Effects of commercial pectinases Rapidase Smart and RapidaseMax C80 on the quality of Shahani and Mazafati date syrups
V Loghmani * , R Shokrani , M Hojjatoleslami , S Shafiee
Abstract:   (9061 Views)
Background and Objective: In Iran insufficient attention is paid to the processing methods and potential byproducts of dates. It is at least partly for these resaons that the wastage of this important food item is high. Consequently, research on the processing of date byproducts, such as date syrup, isessential. This study was carried out in order to obtain more information on the subject and find ways to improve date syrup-extracting conditions. Materials and Methods: In order to determine the effects of pectinase on syrups obtained from various date varieties, two varieties, namely, Shahani and Mazafati dates were used, and the extraction of syrup was carried out reciprocally. The pH of the syrup was set at 4.5 and the temperature at 45˚C, the 2 pectinases, i.e., Rapidase Smart and Rapidase Max C80 (DSM Company, Netherland)were added, and color, turbidity, dissolved solid materials (BX) and viscosity of the syrup were determined. The SPSS software version 19 was used for data analysis, the ststistical test being the multi-range Duncan test. Results: Rapidase Smart (used for syrup extraction) brought about increases in turbidity and dissolved solid materials (BX)and improved color in syrups obtained from both date varieties, while Rapidase Max C80 (used for clarification) caused decreases in these characteristics. Moreover, the treated syrup samples had a lower viscosity compared to the untreated ones, but no significant differences were found among the treated samples (p>0.05). Conclusion: Although syrup-extracting enzymes cause an increase in turbidity and improve color in date syrup, their use is recommended because theyincrease efficiency of extraction and decrease the viscosity of the syrup. Keywords: Pectinase, Date syrup, Shahani, Mazafati
Keywords: Pectinase, Date syrup, Shahani, Mazafati
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Article type: Research | Subject: Food Science
Received: 2013/01/6 | Published: 2013/01/15
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Loghmani V, Shokrani R, Hojjatoleslami M, Shafiee S. Effects of commercial pectinases Rapidase Smart and RapidaseMax C80 on the quality of Shahani and Mazafati date syrups. Iranian J Nutr Sci Food Technol 2013; 7 (4) :105-112
URL: http://nsft.sbmu.ac.ir/article-1-935-en.html

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Volume 7, Issue 4 (Winter 2013) Back to browse issues page
Iranian Journal of  Nutrition Sciences and Food  Technology
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