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:: Volume 19, Issue 4 (Winter 2025) ::
Iranian J Nutr Sci Food Technol 2025, 19(4): 103-112 Back to browse issues page
Production of Dietary Waffles Using Oat Flour and Mannitol Sweetener
Z Ajam , H Karazhiyan *
Islamic Azad University , hojjat_karazhiyan@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (364 Views)
Background and Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate possibility of producing low-calorie waffles with sugar alcohols (mannitol) and oat flour.
 Materials & Methods: Effects of replaced oat at 0, 20, 40 and 60% levels with wheat flour and sucrose with mannitol at 20 and 40% on waffle moisture, texture, sugar content, protein, color index and sensory characteristics were assessed.
Results: Results showed that substituting mannitol and oat flour increased moisture and decreased aw. With increasing the percentage of oat flour, density of waffles increased. However, use of mannitol decreased the parameter. Results of hardness indicated that replacing sucrose with mannitol decreased softness of the waffle and oat flour improved the texture up to 40% substitution level. Use of oat flour and mannitol sugar caused a significant decrease in total sugar content of the samples. Results of color index showed that the increase of oat flour decreased the brightness and a* index and increased b* index, but mannitol sugar increased the brightness. Sensory characteristics indicated that the sample containing 20% oat flour and 40% mannitol sugar were similar to the control sample.
Conclusion: To improve quality and decrease sugar, it is recommended to replace 40% wheat flour with oat flour and 40% mannitol sugar with sucrose in production of waffles.
Keywords: Oat flour, Softness, Sugar, Mannitol, Waffles
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Article type: Research | Subject: Food Science
Received: 2024/05/31 | Accepted: 2024/11/4 | Published: 2025/01/5
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Ajam Z, Karazhiyan H. Production of Dietary Waffles Using Oat Flour and Mannitol Sweetener. Iranian J Nutr Sci Food Technol 2025; 19 (4) :103-112
URL: http://nsft.sbmu.ac.ir/article-1-3872-en.html

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